For Clubs

For club managers, coaches, teachers, organisers, etc.

If you need a tool to help organise your club or group then you need ClubEvent.  

If you need to pick a team for the match at the weekend, organise the weekly training, find out who’s available for that “big event” next month, then ClubEvent will quickly and easily allow you to manage that.

If you want to give out or sell tickets for an event or want to know how many burgers to buy for the club BBQ, ClubEvent can help you do that too.

If you want to manage membership subscriptions, then they are simple with ClubEvent.


Run your events

An Event is anything you, or your club want to organise.  When you create an event, you will probably want to know who is coming along so you can organise it efficiently.

ClubEvent allows you to create “Public” and “Private” events which can be managed online or via the mobile app.  You can publish your Events onto your club’s website too.

Manage your club members

Clubs are nothing without members, easily create membership plans and manage your membership payments.

Use ClubEvent to invite the right people to the right events at the right time – “Tags” allow you to categorise, group and filter your members to get to the right people each time.

Email groups allow you to communicate with your members, and for them to communicate with each other.

Sell tickets to club events

Having a Club dinner, summer-ball or Christmas event?  Wanting to collect money for bus seats or train tickets?  ClubEvent can help you sell tickets to collect the money you need to cover costs, or raise money for your club.

Let ClubEvent take the hassle.  We handle the online card payment transactions and the money hits your bank a couple of days later.  If you still want to take cash or allow bank transfers, that’s fine – you can give your members the choice!