Please see this example video:
Create the event by clicking the (+) button at the bottom right of the Event Summary page (the “home page”).
General Settings
An event needs the following information at a minimum, which will appear in notifications and in web and iCal feeds (if enabled).
- Title: The title should clearly identify the event
- Date & time: Set the date and time of the event
- Duration: The duration of the event
- Location: The location for the event
- Description: A description of the event; this may be a plain text description, or you can toggle to use the rich text editor.
You can select to show (or not) the event on the web and iCal feeds, add a tag, and also select whether users can see details of who else is attending the event. Of course, for people to obtain tickets, the event MUST appear on the web feed.
Organiser & Additional Information
You can add an email address and/or phone number for the event Orgnaiser. Remember that the Organiser is a point of contact for the event, and may not be a ClubEvent Admin or even a user.
You can also add any number of links to documents/web pages/maps etc, by using the Additional Information section.
All these details will be shown on the Event in the app, and on the Web feed.
Responses & Reminders
- Reminders sent to Invitees: Ticketed events do not have invitees, so this field can be ignored
- Reminders sent to Attendees: Select when to send reminders to Attendees – people who have obtained tickets – they will be reminded of the event
Ticket Details
- Event open date: Set a date after which tickets may be obtained/purchased for the event
- Allow ticket purchase after event start: Allow tickets to be purchased after the event start date – this allows the close date to be set accordingly
- Specify ticket close date: Set a date after which tickets cannot be obtained/purchased
- Max tickets per person: Set a maximum number of tickets per purchase/email address
- Total tickets available: Set a maximum number of tickets for the event as a whole
Ticket Types
An event may have a number of different ticket types, such as Adult or Child tickets. Each ticket type has:
- Name: A name for this ticket type
- Price: A ticket price; leave at 0 for free events
- Description: A description of the ticket type
Per Ticket Data
Each ticket purchase will ask the purchaser for their name, email address and mobile number (optional).
You may also require information for each ticket holder; this section allows you to define as many different fields for that purpose. Each ‘per ticket field’ has:
- Name: A name for the data field
- Type: How the data will be collected:
- text – a simple text field
- email – an email address
- dateofbirth – a date, in the format dd/mm/yy, dd/mm/yyyy
- dropbox – a dropdown list of options
- checkbox – a check/tick box
- note – a longer text field
- Validate: You can use a validation regex to ensure that the data is entered correctly
- Placeholder: Text that will be shown in the field before any data is entered
- Notes: Notes on the field, displayed below
- Required: Whether the data MUST be entered for the ticket to be obtained
- Fixed: Fixed fields cannot be modified by a ticket holder if they go back and edit their ticket details
- Applied to: Select which ticket types the data field will be requested for (default is to apply to all tickets).
Payment Details
- Event is paid: Tick this box if you want to collect payment for tickets, by credit card
- Enable ‘offline’ payments: If you also want to offer other ways for people to pay, tick this box
Information: When people elect to pay ‘offline’, the text entered here will be sent to them in their confirmation email message